+49 (0)5141 96699090

Mr. Brand combines entrepreneurial mindset with solid technical knowledge. It’s fun and enjoyable to work constructively with him.
Axel van de Loo - Engineering office van de Loo, Germany
I used to work together with Daniel in the outdoor lighting business, where Daniel
was in charge of the controls part. He was very customer focused and always finding
a fitting technical solution.

Together with Mr. Brand we have realized our first projects in outdoor lighting controls. I would love to come back on his many years of experience!
+49 (0)5141 96699090
LIGMAN Evolve signs strategic partnership with Daniel Brand to roll out world-leading, 5G Smart City Pole Systems
LIGMAN Evolve is part of the LIGMAN group of companies, it has been formed to develop world-leading, Smart City – Smart Pole systems that provide their clients with a series of communication enclosure platforms suitable for a combination of Mini-macro, Macro and Small Cell equipment, covering 3G, 4G, 5G and Wi-Fi. The LIGMAN EVOLUTION pole system consists of a modular design giving the owner the flexibility to install basic infrastructure and add 4G and 5G components as required by telecommunications providers.
Daniel Brand, located in Germany, will be the first contact in Western Europe for cities, telcos and utilities who are looking for smart solutions to accelerate 4G and 5G network roll-outs.

+49 (0)5141 96699090

Digital Streetlights everywhere with CLSM technology
Clever software and just a few components enable the CLSM system to digitize street lighting even in urban areas where the use of expensive control systems does not pay off. An intelligent algorithm is at the heart of this, because it can analyze the energy consumption of a distribution cabinet and precisely determine a point of the defective luminaire .
It is irrelevant whether it was earlier technologies such as discharge lamps or modern LED lights. In the later case, the system even helps to prevent the typical inrush currents and thus protect existing infrastructure.
Daniel Brand is supporting the CLSM startup team in business architecture and fine tuning of the system.
+49 (0)5141 96699090